Grant Hall’s e-book, Privacy Crisis, shows readers “where to get the goods and services to remain invisible.” Grant is a hardcore privacy advocate who portrays the personal data collection system as completely out of control, and provides consumers a way to solve their individual situation. This is a continuation of a series of guest articles in which I feel readers will have interest.
By Grant Hall
One in twelve women will be stalking victims during their lifetimes and most stalkers are ex-husbands and previous boyfriends (Ohlson).
More than eighty percent of women who are stalked by ex-lovers are assaulted by their stalker and thirty-one percent of these women are sexually assaulted. Seventy-six percent of the women murdered each year were previously stalked by their killers according to Ohlson who wrote Stalking the Divine: Contemplating Faith With the Poor Clares.
Since the odds of being stalked and harmed by a tormentor increase when accessible information is readily available, a prudent plan to avoid these dangerous individuals would be the implementation of a high-level privacy plan.
One’s home address is the quickest link to their physical location-unless privacy tactics are in place.
Homes can be owned anonymously through the use of a Trust and an Administrative Trustee can sign any and all required forms on behalf of the Trustee-the manager equivalent of the trust (Hall).
Mail drop nominees can be used to receive and forward mail thereby avoiding the use of a home address for mail communication purposes.
Only trusted friends and relatives should have access to a privacy seeker’s home location.
Without a link to a victim’s home address, a stalker’s efforts toward harassing a victim at their physical location will be thwarted.
The importance of separating one’s name and home address from their car is a necessary privacy tactic to avoid having the normal driver’s name and address surface when data bases are searched.
A trust is the most private entity as only those forming the document and those included in the trust documents have a need to have knowledge of the provisions of the trust. A trust does not have registration requirements.
Trust owned automobiles are more easily insured than those owned by Limited Liability Companies and Corporations in most cases. And when the trust owned car is registered properly with the Department of Motor Vehicles or other state agency, there will be no mention of the trustee and normal driver on the automobile registration. This important detail assures the driver absolute and total privacy as he or she travels.
Stalkers frequently hire individuals who have access to automobile registration data bases in order to locate their victim’s car and address.
Today, many states allow for the freezing of a consumer’s credit files. This is a huge privacy advantage and should be accomplished in order to preserve privacy.
Once credit files are frozen, only the consumer’s release of a password allows for the viewing of the credit file.
Serious privacy advocates never provide their home address to anyone except those in their close circle of friends and relatives-and this includes the credit bureaus and ALL businesses.
Part II of “Stalking Solutions” in my next post. In the meantime, visit Grant Hall’s site for lots of free information and his e-book, Privacy Crisis.